As a reminder, the HxC Manager V4 is designed to run on Amstrad CPC/Plus computers. Its main purpose is to select disc images to be used by the HxC Floppy Emulator. Please take note this is also compatible with all the Gotek devices.
The most noticeable improvements in this version are:
- User can now edit up to 20 slots (previous version: 15 slots was the max.)
- New UI, removed the old "demomaker style" presentation, now displaying more files on screen (with longer filenames)
- DEL key added to move back to parent folder while navigating
- The manager now skips DSK files when using a HxC SD/Slim device
- The Help page now reports the firmware version + build date of the Manager
- Switched compilation to SDCC 4.2.0 (resulting better Z80 implementation)
- Now compiled using RASM from roudoudou (previous version: Pasmo)
- Now compressed using ZX0 packer (previous version: the good old Bitbuster)
- Smaller binary (11KB) resulting a faster load from BASIC prompt (previous version: 16KB)
It remains compatible with the 64KB RAM-based machines, and the ROM version is directly available into the AUTOBOOT.HFE file.
Please click here to DOWNLOAD, and here for more details about the Manager.