Did you know both WinAPE emulator and ParaDOS were made by the same author ? Now you do ! Richard Wilson, also know as Executioner pseudonym on cpcwiki forum, kindly accepted to answer my questions regarding his past work... and future developments too. Find the interview here (also added in Articles section).
Version 2.2 of HxC Floppy Emulator Manager just got released here. It includes a precious fix provided by Jeff to avoid slowdown issues when folder's content is about 100 files (or more). On my side, I made few enhancements to the user interface (navigation problems are fixed, garbage displayed on screen at startup is removed, buzzer settings can now be edited, and finally more files are displayed on screen at same time). As previous version, ROM version is also available. If you experience issues with the software, please report them on the cpcwiki's dedicated thread. Your feedback is important to us ! :) For many of us, Longshot from Logon System is a living legend. He has been a pioneer in the Amstrad CPC demoscene, back in the 80s. He was one of the first to introduce advanced usage of CRTC Amstrad CPC's graphic chip, and is well known for demos like Revolog, The Demo... as also his articles published in french Amstrad Cent Pour Cent magazine. I was very curious to know more about him, not especially about his personal work (that everybody already knows about) but more about his position regarding released's Overflow previews, its point of view regarding the Jeff's HxC Floppy Emulator and even more... read the full interview here (also added in Articles section). Many thanks Serge for your time... it was great being a teenager and watching your demos :) As mentioned during the Face Hugger's interview, the author used a custom sound tracker to compose the musics of its Ultimate Megademo. The disc image of this tracker, mostly written using BASIC programming language (even the sound player !), has been added to the article. Feel free to discover it : the user interface is quite horrible but the demo song itself is actually very good ! Of course, this is released for historical purposes only and absolutely not intended for serious usage - nor Face Hugger or this site will provide any kind of support about it. Download link is located at the end of the interview (as a bonus material). Thank you Andreas, you rock! :)
The author of the famous Ultimate Megademo, released in 1992, answered my questions regarding his past work. As a reminder, he is the one who started everything regarding realtime 3D usage in Amstrad CPC demos. He is also one of the first guys, still in a demoscene context, considering usage of a secondary machine to enhance his productivity. Enjoy reading the interview here (also added in Articles section). Thank you Andreas for your time ! |
December 2024