What was done since PREVIEW 1 ?
- 4-6 months following the Alchimie party, I spent most of my time rewriting some parts of the game, with better technical approaches. The tile engine got a major refactor, providing better performance and a reduced memory footprint.
- This summer, I had lots of fun adding the support of sprite multiplexing into the game engine. It can now manage up to 40 rings on screen !
- The game engine now supports multiple ground positions for the same horizontal position in the world ; in other words, the Level 2 is featuring tunnels. :)
- Gameplay improvements: new sprite animations bringing more life to the game (a small "smoke" animation is now displayed when Sonic jumps onto an enemy, and a set of tiny "stars" is displayed when Sonic takes a ring) ; the sky (made of horizontal lines) in background is now always slightly animated vertically ; enemies can now fire projectiles (that Sonic must avoid); when Sonic jumps too high and gets hidden from the game's viewport, a small arrow is now displayed to determine what will be the position of the landing ; added support of water (Sonic walks slower in it)...
- Levels 1 & 2 are now finalized. They both feature new visuals. Level 3 is a WIP. CeD did a great job by providing new visuals for the tiles, new enemies too!
- Audio improvements: Targhan did an amazing job by translating new musics and sounds.
- Various bug-fixings / other internal optimizations / improvements..
Remaining work to provide / the future
- With the help of TotO, we now have a better idea of the game content. We focus on providing a coherent game experience, featuring a progressive difficulty for the gameplay and finally -- a game fun to play.
- There are still some low-level stuff that bothers me in the game engine..
- More enemies, new levels.. it's actually bigger and more ambitious from what we initially envisioned during the Alchimie Treize. Right now the original direction did not change, the game still features a completely new level design, taking a large inspiration from the SMS/GameGear versions -- so it's not a remake, but clearly a new "episode".
- We are planning a Bonus zone!
- I estimate that we reached approx. 50%-60% of what should be the final game. So it means we still have a long way to go before releasing this game..
- Consequence of the above point ; as you could expect, the game won't be released this year. 2021 will be a very intense year for me on the professional side, I plan to be more exhausted than usual. So, the new target for release is 2022 (in other words: "it will be ready when it's ready"). I know this will be a disappointing news for some ; but really, there is no rush here.
The first preview of the game shown on Youtube was quite popular. Based on that success, I initially planned to release this today's update as a video. But we finally decided to keep this private to avoid revealing too much the game. So instead, I'm releasing here some exclusive screenshots of the game. Please keep in mind this is WIP -- the final version of the game may be slightly different.
I want to thank a lot my friends (they know who they are) that are helping me to keep the motivation on this project !! And I also would like to send a special mention to Novabug and Xyphoe, they made a great job on Youtube to advertise the game and bring general interest to the Amstrad GX-4000.