This article is not intended to provide a close representation of the progress of the Amstrad community. Instead, it's an annual overview of my activities around my favorite hobby: the Amstrad CPC/Plus.
The first is the issue #2 of 64 NOPs (January 2024, French content). To me, that issue represents a great step-forward: varied content, mainly for advanced programmers, complemented by satellite articles (interviews and meeting reports). I admit I haven’t "digested" everything yet, but trust me that’s a good thing -- 64 NOPs is the kind of publication I enjoy revisiting, especially for its fascinating snippets of source code that grabbed my attention but take a few reads to fully understand.
But my favorite discovery of 2024 is CPC FANZ BZH #2 (March 2024, French content). I expected an enjoyable read, but I wasn’t prepared for something so captivating. The presentation is impeccable: breathtaking illustrations paired with flawless printing. The content is exactly what I expect from a magazine -- varied, technical, accessible, informative, cutting-edge, written with an humor that does not alter the professionalism of the authors.
For both 64 NOPs and CPC FANZ BZH, I’m impressed by the print quality. It’s such a leap forward compared to what was produced in the ’80s and ’90s -- I'm truly amazed!
See you in 2025, which promises to be truly exciting (the Amstrad CPC 6128 will be 40 years old!!!).