Interview of Overflow / Logon System (April 2014)
Olivier Gout, also known as Overflow / Logon System in the demo scene, is the programmer of the splendid S&KOH demo (1991) - one of the most technical demo ever released for the CPC. He also produced other mentionable productions through the years, such as Backtro (2001) or, more recently, Yet Another Plasma! (2012).
1. Hi Olivier ! Please can you briefly present yourself ? Age, country, city, what are you doing for a living, etc.

Olivier Gout (Overflow), 2013
Api apo ! © Dufy/NDC
I’m going on my 42nd years. I’m still in France. When I got fired a few years ago, I had the opportunity to go on with same worldwide company but in Richardson/Texas (USA). Might sound good, but this wasn’t something I wanted for my 3 young children. Currently we’re now living in the south of France, near Montpellier, at 10 km from the Mediterranean Sea. THIS is something I wanted for my living, nice weather and swimming pool warm enough thanks to the sun. My job is a very specific one: system engineer, but dedicated to an editor: SAP. My CV tells: Senior SAP BC & Netweaver Consultant!
I’m going on my 42nd years. I’m still in France. When I got fired a few years ago, I had the opportunity to go on with same worldwide company but in Richardson/Texas (USA). Might sound good, but this wasn’t something I wanted for my 3 young children. Currently we’re now living in the south of France, near Montpellier, at 10 km from the Mediterranean Sea. THIS is something I wanted for my living, nice weather and swimming pool warm enough thanks to the sun. My job is a very specific one: system engineer, but dedicated to an editor: SAP. My CV tells: Senior SAP BC & Netweaver Consultant!
2. What / when was the first computer you got first in contact with ? Was it an Amstrad CPC ?
![]() My very first contact with a computer occurred at school thanks to Thomson T07 on which we (French kids) were supposed to get used with computers. My first program ever: 10 PRINT “TOTO” 20 GOTO 10 which I clearly remember did not run at all, since I had used the arrows to go on next line without pressing the Return key. So many years have spent from then but I still can recall that.
I then tried to convince my parents to let me buy the cheapest computer at that time (ZX81) but they haven’t allowed me to. By chance, my elder brother was starting computer science studies and bought an expensive Apple 2c: this is the 1st computer I started with, playing some games such as Lode Runner, Conan, or Pooyan. Then? Since my brother was keeping his computer for himself (rather for playing than for studying), my parents have found me so sad that finally I was allowed to get a brand new CPC 6128 with color monitor! I couldn’t believe it has occurred. It has been a “no limit” part of my young life, playing numerous games and discovering what could be done in Basic. Every day, many hours a day, all holidays long. How to become a nerd? You can ask me, I know how. |
3. Your first demos were Overflow Tome 1 and 2 (released under the nickname Croco 21 in 1990). They were impressive work for a “first try”. How did you create those demos at the time ? Where did you get the knowledge about the CPC hardware ?

Hack-It device
I was introduced to assembly language by my elder brother, which was learning Z80 at school. He told me to buy the book called Clefs pour Amstrad. It was very good idea: I have been able to play with CRTC registers and create small assembly programs. Let it be clear: not thru some assembly sources to be compiled, but directly poking to memory. I was using the assembly opcodes table found at the end of the book. This is the best school ever to understand what’s really going on / what is underlying. You may wonder what I could have coded by this mean? I remember a small sprite engine (using the re-done sprites from Commando game) or some rasters.
It was obvious I could not go on like that: I then found it was a good idea to buy Hack-It (Le Hacker in French) ROM interface, since it was advertised as having an assembler onboard. And actually my life has changed a lot! thanks to things I hadn’t before: reset button, memory dumping, disassembler, …and and “good” assembler. Let it be clear again: I found this assembler good! since it was a revolution compared to my previous way of coding thru opcodes direct poking.
It was obvious I could not go on like that: I then found it was a good idea to buy Hack-It (Le Hacker in French) ROM interface, since it was advertised as having an assembler onboard. And actually my life has changed a lot! thanks to things I hadn’t before: reset button, memory dumping, disassembler, …and and “good” assembler. Let it be clear again: I found this assembler good! since it was a revolution compared to my previous way of coding thru opcodes direct poking.

At that time, I’ve seen demos for the first time: Longshot demo and Revolog were the best from the disk I received. By hacking them, I tried to understand what was going on. I didn’t know exactly what was going on with CRTC registers 4 and 7… so I’ve coded some test program to increase values on those registers at (nearly random) interruptions. I was in front on my screen, waiting 2 seconds for next registers’ increase; when something at screen was stable, I pressed the reset key and watched which value it was.
Overflow Tome 1 and Tome 2 have been designed this way, respectively as clones from Longshot demo and Revolog. Using the raw assembler from Hack It, with some split-screen definitely not calculated but “randomly found”. Might sound like a cheat, who cared at that time?
Overflow Tome 1 and Tome 2 have been designed this way, respectively as clones from Longshot demo and Revolog. Using the raw assembler from Hack It, with some split-screen definitely not calculated but “randomly found”. Might sound like a cheat, who cared at that time?
4. Then you officially joined Logon System ! Give us details about the integration process...

Logon System in 1989
I didn’t know what to do with my 2 demos. I did a phone call to Longshot’s mum (phone number was in Longshot demo’s scroll-text!) and have been able to send a disk to his new home. His answer has been so unexpected: he offered me to join the Logon System group!? The funny side of this: I even didn’t know that there was a group of several people which were working on a large demo (The Demo). How could I decline such an offer? Of course I have accepted.
About the integration process? Well, I believe that I have not been integrated all, I mean as a full member of the team. Main reason is that I was not living near Paris where most of the team has their homes; add to this that I have not made any attempt to visit them (… because of studies? see answer to next question; anyway: my own fault). Nonetheless, I had numerous exchanges by snail mail with Longshot: this was part of the integration, sure! but I have never seen myself as a friend within this team of friends. Today I feel bad about this, I feel like I have missed the best part (friendship before member of the “best” group).
About the integration process? Well, I believe that I have not been integrated all, I mean as a full member of the team. Main reason is that I was not living near Paris where most of the team has their homes; add to this that I have not made any attempt to visit them (… because of studies? see answer to next question; anyway: my own fault). Nonetheless, I had numerous exchanges by snail mail with Longshot: this was part of the integration, sure! but I have never seen myself as a friend within this team of friends. Today I feel bad about this, I feel like I have missed the best part (friendship before member of the “best” group).
5. There are no parts from you in The Demo. Was it due to bad timing ?
![]() Briefly? Yes, bad timing. Not prepared to, nothing yet to include, not enough time.
I must discuss about my studies at that time: I was starting preparatory schools (“Maths Sups” then “Maths Spé” in French) - 2 years of hard work before entering engineer school for 3 years. I was away from my home (and my beloved computer) all week long; actually it was a good decision, who knows what could have happened to my studies if my CPC was with me every day/night? Don’t want to know. Anyway, that implies that I couldn’t spend much time on CPC. I had to make choice and it has been : no more CPC games, very little contact with other CPCers, all the little time dedicated to that only aim = learning CRTC things and assembler, in order to be able to reach Longshot’s skills shown on that fucking good Phoenix part from The Demo. That said, I can summarize again: bad timing yes, I didn’t have enough time (including time to rise my skills) to produce a part for the upcoming The Demo. |
6. You released one of the most impressive demo on CPC, S&KOH, in 1991. It featured, for the first time, use of RVI, an advanced technic involving hardware cheating to apply line splitting/repeating without any memory constraint. Do you have some memories to share about it ?

Back to that time as a fresh member from Logon System. Much to learn: the truth about split-screen including single-line-split, how to use a smart assembler (Dams) with labels, some new development paths to follow such as events list... For all of this, I’ve been supported by Longshot exclusively. Much to learn; also much to try? Not so much, since it was all about CRTC!!! My one and only obsession was to display something new. Here came RVI, the trick used in the middle of the screen from S&KOH. RVI is the result of my obsession to display a new trick at screen, as Longshot did previously.
By the way, if Overflow Tome 1 & 2 are linked to Longshot demo and Revolog there is no doubt that S&KOH came from Phoenix part. I wanted to go further but following the same structure: a one-screen demo with many parts on it. No other kind of show had my interest. My thoughts were: dots or vector balls or so? pff! such fx deal with z80 optimisation only, I don’t care! let's have some true CPC/CRTC-specific fx!
Might sound crazy, but take this in account: I didn’t learn or try anything else, I didn’t care (at all!) of sound, soft coding / complex algorythm, crunching, managing floppy disk, details such as B drive compliance, etc. Finally, not a big deal compared to others (you know them: respects to Face Hugger, Hi! to Prodatron!) which already had a full knowledge of all chips of CPC and enough skills to produce a full demo almost alone; and also compared to others which have been able to code full commercial games (RIP Fefesse, Hi! to Elmsoft).
By the way, if Overflow Tome 1 & 2 are linked to Longshot demo and Revolog there is no doubt that S&KOH came from Phoenix part. I wanted to go further but following the same structure: a one-screen demo with many parts on it. No other kind of show had my interest. My thoughts were: dots or vector balls or so? pff! such fx deal with z80 optimisation only, I don’t care! let's have some true CPC/CRTC-specific fx!
Might sound crazy, but take this in account: I didn’t learn or try anything else, I didn’t care (at all!) of sound, soft coding / complex algorythm, crunching, managing floppy disk, details such as B drive compliance, etc. Finally, not a big deal compared to others (you know them: respects to Face Hugger, Hi! to Prodatron!) which already had a full knowledge of all chips of CPC and enough skills to produce a full demo almost alone; and also compared to others which have been able to code full commercial games (RIP Fefesse, Hi! to Elmsoft).
7. Still about S&KOH. Various sources confirm it should have been part of a sequel to The Demo. Please can you clarify ?

Overflow in 1992
Obviously, and mainly thanks to The Demo, it was now the time for such called “megademos”. Logically, next big release (to include new screens and features and surprises) from Logon System should have been a “megademo” (or, ask Longshot for some details: the first long demo with chained parts or so?).
I’ve just written (see previous question) that my one obsession was: coding a better screen than the Phoenix part. Mission completed! see S&KOH; almost coded, not released yet. Now came other obsessions. By the way: you may find me strangely minded; you would be right, I now feel very bad about my nerd time. So, I have then been obsessed by… showing to the whole world that Logon System has given birth to a new Legend (me!) with the best one-screen demo ever. In one word: looking for fame?
Finally and briefly, I decided not waiting for the next big release from the group. My own decision, I did not even tell them I was going to. I have released S&KOH as it was. Sure! it was not nice from me to do that. But also: a bit rushed (not B-drive-compliant, average big sprite from intro screen). I still may be proud of the one-screen demo itself, but today I am not proud of how it has been released. Sounds like a confession, but it’s rather an exorcism! Let’s kill the legend; I don’t deserve it: I actually knew very few things about the CPC world, I have not been as innovative as you might believe.
I’ve just written (see previous question) that my one obsession was: coding a better screen than the Phoenix part. Mission completed! see S&KOH; almost coded, not released yet. Now came other obsessions. By the way: you may find me strangely minded; you would be right, I now feel very bad about my nerd time. So, I have then been obsessed by… showing to the whole world that Logon System has given birth to a new Legend (me!) with the best one-screen demo ever. In one word: looking for fame?
Finally and briefly, I decided not waiting for the next big release from the group. My own decision, I did not even tell them I was going to. I have released S&KOH as it was. Sure! it was not nice from me to do that. But also: a bit rushed (not B-drive-compliant, average big sprite from intro screen). I still may be proud of the one-screen demo itself, but today I am not proud of how it has been released. Sounds like a confession, but it’s rather an exorcism! Let’s kill the legend; I don’t deserve it: I actually knew very few things about the CPC world, I have not been as innovative as you might believe.
8. You were present in both Euromeeting 1 (1991) and 2 (1992). It’s amazing to notice how many CPC legends assisted to those events ! Do you have some fun facts or memories to share?

Demosceners present at Euromeeting 1
Let’s kill the legend, part 2: I have not been a nice guy.
Euromeeting 1 has been an… experience. It was the 2nd time I’ve met the other Logon System members (the 1st time was: at Amstrad Expo 1990). They were nice and had fun; I clearly remember the evening before the trip at Fred Crazy’s home. Watching Amiga demos, eating pizzas, not doing so much CPC. I was not used to (you remember? I was a nerd), I believe I was also expecting more CPC-centric things since we were THE group. Anyway, here it is: I think I’ve missed the main point, about meeting people and friendship. Same during the meeting itself I’m afraid. Obsessed also! I had a kick-ass one-screen demo in my luggage; I was not supposed to preview it widely? no doubt I wanted to, in order to get fame.
Euromeeting 2 has been different, but not so much. It should have been a great experience, meeting others sceners from various countries, but it has not been for me. I’ve turned it (to my mind, as I can remember) to a personal show to preview my numerous work-in-progress to all the people in the place. Again: not talking much to people, missing the point. I was angry at that time about the other members of Logon System: few (none?) work-in-progress from them? no change on old works since last year? much talk about other computers (… and console dev’ kit, ask Longshot for details) instead of CPC? I couldn’t accept that. Today I think I did not expect more fame (by previewing so much), I was more like a bad kick (sucker punch?) to the rest of the team, like a shout to make them doing something on CPC.
Euromeeting 1 has been an… experience. It was the 2nd time I’ve met the other Logon System members (the 1st time was: at Amstrad Expo 1990). They were nice and had fun; I clearly remember the evening before the trip at Fred Crazy’s home. Watching Amiga demos, eating pizzas, not doing so much CPC. I was not used to (you remember? I was a nerd), I believe I was also expecting more CPC-centric things since we were THE group. Anyway, here it is: I think I’ve missed the main point, about meeting people and friendship. Same during the meeting itself I’m afraid. Obsessed also! I had a kick-ass one-screen demo in my luggage; I was not supposed to preview it widely? no doubt I wanted to, in order to get fame.
Euromeeting 2 has been different, but not so much. It should have been a great experience, meeting others sceners from various countries, but it has not been for me. I’ve turned it (to my mind, as I can remember) to a personal show to preview my numerous work-in-progress to all the people in the place. Again: not talking much to people, missing the point. I was angry at that time about the other members of Logon System: few (none?) work-in-progress from them? no change on old works since last year? much talk about other computers (… and console dev’ kit, ask Longshot for details) instead of CPC? I couldn’t accept that. Today I think I did not expect more fame (by previewing so much), I was more like a bad kick (sucker punch?) to the rest of the team, like a shout to make them doing something on CPC.
9. When did you stop being productive on CPC ? Was it due to a particular event ? Did you keep contact with the whole Logon family at the time ?
Being productive? Let’s have a close look at Overflow’s productions back at that time. S&KOH as leading demo; and one intro (with RVI!) for The Other World disk fanzine #3; nothing else has been released. Let’s kill the legend, part 3: very few releases, too many shown previews and work-in-progress.
![]() I’ll answer the question: when did I stop coding on CPC? I believe it was early 1993, exactly when I quit Logon System. From my side, nothing has changed since Euromeeting 2: Logon System was a dying group for the CPC, I couldn’t see any clue that a 2nd massive demo would come from us. I had also much free time since summer 1992, switching from 2 busy years in prep’s school to 3 nice years in engineer school. I got my CPC back with me, available all week-long; I also bought an Amiga 600.

Logon System as a dying group: I remember that Longshot wanted the whole team to integrate the 5KB team. I didn’t want to, argueing: we are dying, let’s die and let the 5KB team be the future of CPC; don’t try to delay our death by bringing some young blood. Briefly, I was disagreeing all the time with Longshot (which was nice by the way, for example: sending the source of Pict’s upcoming Amiga demo). Finally it has come to an end: I left!
Then I had no contacts at all with the team (it was my own decision), I have left my CPC aside to go on coding some (unreleased) work/fx on Amiga. At that time, my best friend was Dufy from Noix-de-Croco fanzine (Hi! to Cédric). Back to Amiga period: I didn’t like it, there was (to my mind) nothing to discover since all I could need was already written down and fully explained in books (especially La Bible de l’Amiga). However, it did not last long: a few months later I have stopped ALL computer activities, no coding at all except at school. The reason was so simple: I have switched from glasses to lenses, going to discos and parties, and finally found my first girl-friend ever. My nerd life was over.
Then I had no contacts at all with the team (it was my own decision), I have left my CPC aside to go on coding some (unreleased) work/fx on Amiga. At that time, my best friend was Dufy from Noix-de-Croco fanzine (Hi! to Cédric). Back to Amiga period: I didn’t like it, there was (to my mind) nothing to discover since all I could need was already written down and fully explained in books (especially La Bible de l’Amiga). However, it did not last long: a few months later I have stopped ALL computer activities, no coding at all except at school. The reason was so simple: I have switched from glasses to lenses, going to discos and parties, and finally found my first girl-friend ever. My nerd life was over.
10. In 2001, you made a small comeback with Backtro. I was like so-so when watching it: technically impressive, but poorly designed. Any thoughts on it ?

Backtro by Overflow/Logon System
As some fuel to re-kindle the fire of the legendary Overflow, I think that Backtro is a success. Same elements as before (I mean the previews from 1992 released in 1994): big fx on screen, cheating by any mean, … but bugged, rushed, non-polished and so on. I admit I did not care about having a nice release; this was definitively not the aim. I wanted first to show to other sceners that something impressive could be coded in 4 months. Then? Of course it was something I could be proud of, coming back ten years later to kick asses from people procrastinating? Nice idea!
That said, Backtro might be my best cheat ever. Back 10 years after my S&KOH time, I have found sceners which had much more knowledge than me 10 years ago. I have participated to several CPC-only meetings the year before Backtro. Offset’s knowledge was impressive, same for Madram which has been very kind (thanks!) to teach me forgotten and new things about the CRTC. But let's face it: few months were not enough to learn and learn again; 10 years have spent! Here came the cheat from Backtro: very little code on CPC itself, and much data (or generated code) done on PC. Let’s kill the legend, part 4. Backtro might be impressive (for a fx point-of-view), but should not: looks like an unfinished production, plus: generated data have done the job.
That said, Backtro might be my best cheat ever. Back 10 years after my S&KOH time, I have found sceners which had much more knowledge than me 10 years ago. I have participated to several CPC-only meetings the year before Backtro. Offset’s knowledge was impressive, same for Madram which has been very kind (thanks!) to teach me forgotten and new things about the CRTC. But let's face it: few months were not enough to learn and learn again; 10 years have spent! Here came the cheat from Backtro: very little code on CPC itself, and much data (or generated code) done on PC. Let’s kill the legend, part 4. Backtro might be impressive (for a fx point-of-view), but should not: looks like an unfinished production, plus: generated data have done the job.
11. You released some previews through the time, from impressive pre-calculated 3D stuff (All In 3D in 1994) to some various interesting concepts (I have in mind a repeating animated tile out in Overflow works - 2003/2006). Why not releasing real demos instead, since they showed impressive things ?

OVF Works main menu (2003-2006)
Nice question! then let's start Let’s kill the legend, part 5. Rushing releases, spreading previews, etc… I believe the inner truth lies on several layers.
First: I don’t care! I really don’t care about releasing some nice show for the Scene. I wished (and I still wish) a fx to be impressive at screen (by any mean, including massive data or precalculation), nothing more. I can understand demomakers challenging themselves to release the best show ever for the Scene; I do have respect for them. I’m just different; think about the time you spend on demo coding or designing: it is much more time spent than the time spent showing your work or reading comments about it. That said, I think my own pleasure comes first, while coding and trying new fx. The Scene might expect me to polish demos, I don’t care: I know it might even be a pain for me to polish fx or integrating the whole into a nice flawless demo. I don’t like painful work, I do prefer having fun for myself first.
First: I don’t care! I really don’t care about releasing some nice show for the Scene. I wished (and I still wish) a fx to be impressive at screen (by any mean, including massive data or precalculation), nothing more. I can understand demomakers challenging themselves to release the best show ever for the Scene; I do have respect for them. I’m just different; think about the time you spend on demo coding or designing: it is much more time spent than the time spent showing your work or reading comments about it. That said, I think my own pleasure comes first, while coding and trying new fx. The Scene might expect me to polish demos, I don’t care: I know it might even be a pain for me to polish fx or integrating the whole into a nice flawless demo. I don’t like painful work, I do prefer having fun for myself first.

Why releasing previews? well, to maintain the fire? Overflow as a legendary CPC demomaker, still releasing some interesting previews as he used to? THAT sounds good, I like it. Shall I keep previews for myself (or for a very very few (since 2007))? they would be lost forever. Whereas I believe there are still nowadays some CPC-users which might find nice to see some previews. Or some rushed but so cute demos for Christmas. Or whatever. The so-called Scene today might have some rules about releasing (argh! I don’t like rules), the big family of CPC-users had not (and still has not?). Freedom is the key? mine stops where that of others begins. By releasing previews, I believe that no-one has even been offended.
12. Finally, you created a very small 4Kb intro in 2013, called Yet Another Plasma!. A well-rounded, always evolving production. Since it’s your more recent work to date, please can you describe us its creation process in details?

Let’s kill the legend! part 6. All those years since Backtro, I did not spend much time on CPC. Some facts: I don’t play CPC games, my CPC 6128 itself spends most of its time in a box, I do not own any hardware expansion, my CPC time is for coding only… on a PC thanks to cross-assembler and emulator. A funny thought: actually I am very productive! ( (released things) divided by (spent time on them) ) is very high, since (spent time on them) is very low.
That said, YAP! was not planned to be an intro. It was first in winter 2010 some sample sources for Optimus who asked about hardware technics. A starting point to understand how single-line-splitting could be achieved here. Then another friend (guess who!) asked for having it overscan, cos’ no doubt it should be nicer on a wider scale. Then? no CPC during a few months, until I found motivation by adding rasters and morphing the curve. Then? no CPC during one year, until I found a great motivation to turn it into a 4Kb intro. There’s more to read there.
Everyone should have noticed that this time I wanted the release to be polished. Not because the scene is expecting a polished release (see before: I don’t care!), but it was my own personal challenge: am I able to polish something one day? including: synchronizing with music. Conclusion? well, I’m so happy with the result (thanks McKlain!) that I believe I will probably polish my next release too! I’m just wondering if it would be relevant for the legendary Overflow to behave so. Now the Legend is killed.
That said, YAP! was not planned to be an intro. It was first in winter 2010 some sample sources for Optimus who asked about hardware technics. A starting point to understand how single-line-splitting could be achieved here. Then another friend (guess who!) asked for having it overscan, cos’ no doubt it should be nicer on a wider scale. Then? no CPC during a few months, until I found motivation by adding rasters and morphing the curve. Then? no CPC during one year, until I found a great motivation to turn it into a 4Kb intro. There’s more to read there.
Everyone should have noticed that this time I wanted the release to be polished. Not because the scene is expecting a polished release (see before: I don’t care!), but it was my own personal challenge: am I able to polish something one day? including: synchronizing with music. Conclusion? well, I’m so happy with the result (thanks McKlain!) that I believe I will probably polish my next release too! I’m just wondering if it would be relevant for the legendary Overflow to behave so. Now the Legend is killed.
13. It’s just a tiny detail, but still - I noticed you signed as Overflow / Logon System in Yap!. Does it mean Logon is still alive after all those years ? Are you still in contact with Serge (Longshot) ? Do you have plans for a future project together ?

When releasing Backtro, I still hadn’t any contacts with Longshot / Logon System. Remember it has all ended abruptly years ago in 1993. So, Backtro has not been released as a Logon System release. Not because I didn’t want to, but because I didn’t know (even after all these years) if I could use the brand-name “Logon System”: hey! I have quit the team! I could not write I was still a Logon System member.

The fact is: I was feeling bad about my behavior during the 90ies: I think I was the not-so-nice guy, while the other guys from the team and especially Longshot were the nice ones. When we met a few years later, it has been very nice and interesting. Since then, I’m still in contact with Serge (from time to time, months or years may pass, who cares?).
We talked very early during the conception of YAP! about my wish to release as a 4Kb: he has agreed this might be a possible way for me to avoid to rush things or release previews! Reading this, you can say: Longshot knows me, for sure. I have also asked him if I could release as Logon System: he accepted, no need to argue. That’s a start, I hope I will be able to revive the name again.
We do not have any plan for a future project together. Dreams are not plans, aren’t they? I love the idea, as a revenge for the 90ies: they could have worked together; but they haven’t; 25 years later, they do it. Sounds so good. Alas! nothing is planned. Btw: do you really think that Longshot would allow me to write about a plan if there was one? :)
We talked very early during the conception of YAP! about my wish to release as a 4Kb: he has agreed this might be a possible way for me to avoid to rush things or release previews! Reading this, you can say: Longshot knows me, for sure. I have also asked him if I could release as Logon System: he accepted, no need to argue. That’s a start, I hope I will be able to revive the name again.
We do not have any plan for a future project together. Dreams are not plans, aren’t they? I love the idea, as a revenge for the 90ies: they could have worked together; but they haven’t; 25 years later, they do it. Sounds so good. Alas! nothing is planned. Btw: do you really think that Longshot would allow me to write about a plan if there was one? :)
14. This is already the end of this interview. Anything special to mention before leaving us? :)
![]() Thank you NoRecess for all those interviews! so many great names from CPC History gathered at the same place. But also: very interesting reading, at least for me and (I believe) people from the old time. “Who’s next? Overflow” quoted from Elmsoft’s interview has been the trigger to come back to you with “OK, let’s do it!”.
Answering your questions has been an interesting experiment. Writing down my own thoughts but in English, ouch! Much more noteworthy: by teasing my memory about this so old time, I’ve then been able to remember other old details that I am still wondering how I still can have that in mind. Unless… legends never die? I believe that nobody has been hurt or offended by my confidences. If so, be sure it was not intended. A few people have been listed, others may not: sorry for the people I’ve missed. Now: write your own legend-killer and get interviewed by NoRecess! ![]() EDIT 6th, April of 2014: Behind every great man, there stands a great woman. Let's all thank Olivier's wife for letting our dear Overflow accomplish his crazy retro-hobby :-)
Thank you a million Olivier for answering all those questions. Your scrollers will stay for ever in our memories! :)